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LED Flower

Create a sparkling LED flower through a simple electrical circuit project. You can make a special LED flower as a gift to express your gratitude to your beloved parents, grandparents, and teachers. They will be amazed and delighted when you present them with an LED flower that glows beautifully when you press it! 간단한 전기회로 공작을 통해 반짝반짝 빛나는 LED 꽃을 만들어 보세요. 사랑하는 부모님, 조부모님, 선생님께 감사한 마음을 담아 특별한 LED 꽃을 만들어 선물할 수 있어요. 누르면 예쁘게 빛나는 LED 카네이션을 선물하면 신기해하며 좋아하실 거예요!


Making an LED flower bouquet


응용 버전으로 LED 꽃다발을 만들 수 있어요. You can create an advanced version of an LED flower bouquet.


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